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Pre-K and Kindergarten Aftercare Shortage in Seattle: A cause for Concern

1. What is happening?

The Seattle School District is currently facing a shortage of after-school care for pre-k and kindergarten students. This is due to a variety of factors, including the district’s decision to move to a full-day kindergarten schedule and the closure of several private after-school care providers.

The district is currently working on a plan to address the shortage, but in the meantime, parents are left scrambling to find after-school care for their young children. This blog post will provide an overview of the situation and offer some tips for parents who are affected by the shortage.


2. The problem: not enough aftercare options for Pre K and Kindergarten students in Seattle

Pre-k and kindergarten aftercare options in Seattle are now severely limited due to the Seattle School District’s decision to move to a full-day kindergarten schedule, as well as the closure of several private after-school care providers.

The district is in the midst of creating a plan to address this shortage, but in the meantime, families are feeling the effects of the lack of aftercare options. As a result, many parents are left scrambling to arrange after-school childcare for their children.

The shortage has created an additional burden for working parents. Not only do they need to find a safe and reliable source of after-school care for their pre-k and kindergarten children, but they must also do it quickly. This can be especially challenging for families who have limited after-school care options due to their location or the needs of their children.

Given the current shortage, it is more important than ever for parents to be aware of the resources available to them. There are still some after-school care options available in Seattle, but they may be limited. It is therefore important to research all available options thoroughly and make sure that the after-school care being considered is the best possible fit for their child.

3. The impact of the aftercare shortage

The shortage of pre-k and kindergarten aftercare options has been felt by Seattle families of all backgrounds and locations, with some parents finding that it is more difficult to find childcare due to their location or their financial situation.

The impact of the aftercare shortage is also felt by Seattle’s education system. Due to the lack of aftercare options, some students are coming to school exhausted after long days of caretaking. This can make it harder for them to focus in class and to learn. Additionally, the shortage of aftercare options makes it harder for parents to drop their children off in the mornings and to pick them up at the end of the day. This can lead to higher rates of absenteeism and lower grades from students.

The shortage of pre-k and kindergarten aftercare options in Seattle is a major concern for both parents and teachers. It is vitally important that families be aware of the resources available to them and that the Seattle school district create a plan to address this issue. Only then can Seattle parents and children have access to safe and reliable afterschool care.

4. How can we help?

We need to think out of the box. Teachers are in high demand and there is no shortage of families in need. This is an issue that runs deep in the community and we need to dig deeper. There are facilities capable of taking on children after school, but they will need the support of the public school system, the transportation system, and grassroots groups to help connect families to these care facilities we all so desperately need. Tiny Cabin Montessori is opening their doors in September 2023 for children in the Magnolia, Queen Anne, and Ballard area to assist in providing a program for children so they can relax, learn, and play after school. The Montessori phylosophy runs far beyond preschool care. Maria Montessori founded the practical genius that is providing children with a prepared environment to help them navigate the world around them. Aftercare is no different. Tiny Cabin Montessori is excited to provide families an alternative after care safe haven, rooted in nature, play, and social engagement for their Pre K and Kindergarten children.

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Why Montessori is the best way to Prepare your child for school.

The Montessori difference is that it is a child-centered educational approach that promotes self-directed learning. In Montessori classrooms, children are free to move around and choose their own activities. This allows them to learn at their own pace and follow their own interests.

Starting Montessori early has many benefits for children. It helps them develop independence, self-discipline, and a love of learning. Early education studies have proven that Montessori is the best way to prepare your child for school and life.

The benefits of a Montessori preschool

At a Montessori preschool, children are given opportunities to explore and discover on their own. This helps them develop the following skills: problem-solving, communication, critical thinking, creativity and self-regulation. Montessori children learn to be independent and develop a strong sense of self-worth. They also learn to be confident to express their thoughts and feelings while interacting with their peers. Montessori also teaches children practical life skills such as feeding, dressing, and caring for the environment. It gives children the skills they need to be confident and successful in their next educational setting. During a Montessori preschool, children are taught important life skills like table manners, care of the environment, and safety.

How Montessori preschool prepares your child for school

Montessori classrooms promote hands-on learning and exploration. Children work at their own pace and can choose activities that interest them. This helps them develop skills like problem-solving, communication, critical thinking, and creativity. These are all essential for success in school. Montessori preschool also helps children develop the necessary skills for collaborative learning. Children interact with their peers on a daily basis and learn to work together in team projects. They learn how to compromise, listen to others, and share their ideas. These are all skills they need to be successful in their next educational environment.

What sets Montessori apart from other preschools?

In Montessori classrooms, the focus is on the individual child and their development. Each child is encouraged to explore and discover on their own. This helps them build problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Montessori teachers are trained in observing each child and understanding their individual needs in order to offer guidance and support on their learning journey. In traditional preschools, the focus can be more on teaching material, rather than developing the child. The curriculum is often rigid and structured and allows for little individual learning. Montessori allows children to develop independence, self-discipline and a love of learning.

Montessori preschool is an investment in your child's future

Montessori preschool is an investment in your child's future. It is an educational approach that promotes student-centered learning and offers children the opportunity to explore and discover on their own. By providing children with a safe and nurturing environment, Montessori preschool offers them the necessary skills to be successful in their next educational environment. Montessori preschool introduces children to the joy of learning, helping them develop skills like problem-solving, communication, critical thinking, and creativity. It helps them build the necessary skills for collaboration and teamwork. This will help them succeed in school and be confident and capable people. By introducing them to a student-centered learning environment and offering them opportunities to explore and discover, they will develop important skills like problem-solving, communication, critical thinking, and creativity. This foundation will help them find success and readiness when transferring to kindergarten.

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3 Reasons Why You Should Start your Child in a Montessori Program

3 Reasons Why You Should Start Montessori Early Education for Your Child

Are you considering Montessori early education for your child? If so, you may be wondering at what age you should start. While there is no hard and fast answer to this question, many parents find that enrolling their children in Montessori as early as three years old is beneficial. In this blog post, we'll explore three reasons why you should start Montessori early education for your child.

1.Brain Development

When it comes to early education, Montessori preschools are a great choice. Montessori schools focus on children learning through experiential activities and exploration, which is proven to be beneficial for cognitive development. Starting your child in Montessori education at an early age can have great benefits for their brain development.

At a Montessori preschool, children are exposed to hands-on activities and materials, and the individualized approach allows them to learn and explore at their own pace. This encourages their cognitive growth and creativity, as they are actively engaged in the learning process. The starting age for Montessori education is typically between 3 and 6 years old, when the child’s mind and body are ready for learning in a social setting.

Studies have shown that sending a child to a Montessori school has many long-term benefits for brain development. Children learn important social skills, problem solving techniques, and independent thinking in Montessori schools. With such a well-rounded curriculum, they will have the skills they need to succeed in life and beyond. The benefits of sending a child to a Montessori school do not stop there either. From a young age, Montessori preschools encourage independence and foster self-confidence in children. By allowing them to make decisions independently, this builds character and helps kids become more responsible later in life. Additionally, with its hands-on approach to learning, children develop better motor control, coordination, and dexterity.

2. Self-Confidence

One of the most profound benefits of starting a child’s education at a Montessori preschool is its impact on self-confidence. At Montessori schools, children are encouraged to explore and develop their own interests in an environment that supports risk-taking and autonomy. Starting as early as the age of two or three, a child's confidence can be nurtured as they take part in their own learning process.

At Montessori schools, children are given choices about what activities to participate in and are often allowed to work independently on projects that are tailored to their individual interests. This encourages them to become more self-reliant, independent thinkers, and develop their own sense of self-efficacy. As children begin to recognize and understand their own capabilities, their self-esteem and confidence also grow.

In addition, Montessori schools provide a safe and supportive environment where children can practice interacting with others. Through peer collaboration, children learn how to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts, and practice leadership skills. All of these skills help build self-confidence and give children the tools they need to tackle new challenges.

Ultimately, the benefits of sending a child to a Montessori school at a young age are undeniable. By providing a rich learning environment that promotes exploration and independent thought, a child's self-confidence will be bolstered as they gain knowledge, hone skills, and learn to take responsibility for their own decisions.

3. Life-Long Learners

When you start your child in Montessori preschool from a young age, you can be sure that they will grow up to be life-long learners. Montessori preschools focus on providing an environment for children to explore their own interests, encouraging self-discovery and creativity. This helps to develop the critical thinking skills needed to become successful in the future. Starting at an early age is also important, as it gives children the opportunity to develop skills such as reading, writing, math and more before they reach school age. The benefits of sending your child to a Montessori school have been seen time and time again, with studies showing that graduates are more likely to have better academic performance throughout their lives. With the right environment, your child can become a life-long learner who is capable of excelling in any field they pursue. The ideal starting age for Montessori preschool is around three years old, but many schools accept younger children depending on developmental readiness. That said, if your child is older, Montessori is designed to approach learning for children of all ages and readiness. It is never too late to introduce your child to a Montessori classroom.

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